Friday, May 27, 2005


The breakfast is the most abused meal in America. I'm trying to figure out why, but have come up with no answer. For athletes the second most abused is a combination of the pre/during/post workout drinks. But that is a future article.
All right! Attention!! Let's start referring the first meal of the day as buildfast, not breakfast. I give full credit to Karl V. of for that. We will talk about that a little later. My breakfast is usually oatmeal, with protein powder and vitamin C sprinkled on the top. I like Emergen C because of its tart kind of taste. I bet you had cereal with a ton of sugar, or a bagel. You will never remotely achieve your potential as an athlete with a lousy diet like that!!!
Here are a few thoughts to ponder:
1) Better Performance. Breakfast eaters have a more positive attitude toward school and work. A Boston Study showed that kids who started eating breakfast raised their test scores significantly and were late or absent from school less frequently.
2) Better Overall Nutrition. People who eat breakfast are more likely to get the nutrients their bodies need. A Louisiana study found that children who skipped breakfast rarely met even two-thirds of the daily requirements for most minerals and vitamins.
3) Better Weight Control. Breakfast revs up the body's metabolic rate. First thing in the morning, burning calories faster than if the morning meal has been skipped. Thus breakfast eaters maintain their weight more easily than skippers.
4) Improved Strength and Endurance. Studies have shown that eating breakfast is associated with improved strength and endurance in the late morning, along with a better attitude toward school or work.
5) Improved Glucose Levels. Breakfast helps to replenish blood glucose levels, which is important since the brain itself has no reserve of glucose. This is the brains main energy source, and constantly must be replenished. Studies have also shown that sustained mental work requires large turnover of brain glucose and its metabolic components. Glucose is the energy we derive or get from carbohydrates. It is necessary for us to exist.

Hey, I'm on number 5 and you are still not convinced! Well then on to number 6!

6) Important Refueling Period. Breakfast is refueling after an 8 to 9 hour period at least since your previous meal. If you analyze most athletic/bodybuilding diets you will note that they consume a meal every two and a half to three hours. Because of that large lapse in time, a good breakfast will have you start your day feeling and performing better.
7) Catabolic Phase of Sleep. During sleep, your body will enter a catabolic phase, or breaking down of muscle. Anabolic refers to a building up of muscle. Any thing catabolic is a huge no-no for athletes attempting to put on muscle mass, or decreasing body fat levels. With out a buildfast, or a feeble attempt as I mentioned earlier, this catabolic phase could extend to lunch. That is twelve hours! You have to be a freshman or a knucklehead if you think that is good!
8) Skipping Breakfast. Americans who regularly skip breakfast are four and a half times more likely to be fat (
9) Websites. There was a website called that unfortunately no longer exists. Karl V. is on the east coast and is a very talented coach with sprinters, and especially with swimmers. His April 18th, 2004 article is entitled "Buildfast". This article covers a lot more information for an athlete who really wants to make a change in their breakfast habits. Pay special attention to the area about slow and gradual glycogen debt, which can lead to muscle wasting, mild anemia, and poor concentration issues. I can't validate this scientifically, but I have seen a very few instances of athletes that suffer from mild forms of depression. I personally believe there could be a relationship between poor eating habits at this mildly depressed state. I have a copy of this article if anyone is unable to find it. I believe you can easily find it on under regenerationlab "Buildfast".

Ed, I hope this of interest, and will talk to you soon about a complete template with rules, on adding muscle mass to your son.
If anyone else has questions on gaining lean muscle mass, intelligently, or any other related topics, I can be reached at
Have a good Memorial Day everyone. I will see you on Tuesday.