When you are finished with your training session, you should already be anticipating the recovery and preparation for the next workout. There are a variety of things you need to do. A good start would be go home freshman. What are you still here when you last ate a meal over 5 hours ago. I will quote Anthony Almada, who was the research half of EAS. He said at a seminar in February of 2005, "it is better to eat anything, and I mean anything, than to eat nothing". We will be discussing post workout eating habits in an article very soon.
Post workout recovery is also the shower that you take after you have stunk up the place, and before you eat that post workout meal. If you feel achey, excessive muscular soreness, and worse than normal, then try a contrast shower. A contrast shower is commonly used by track and field athletes that have pulls, injuries or fatigue especially in the hamstrings, back, and quads. The trick is to alternate the temperature of the water. More conservative sources will have you turn the water to hot for three minutes, followed by cold for one minute. Repeat this cycle at least two times. Remember, don't burn your skin, or get frostbite, freshman!! Other sources will have you cut the time to one minute hot, and 30 seconds cold. Repeat at least three times. This contrast in temperature causes vasoconstriction/vasodialation in the blood vessels of the area where the water is hitting you. You will find that you will have to turn the temperature a little colder and a little hotter with each cycle. The body adapts after some time.
The benefits of contrast showers include:
1) Improved circulation
2) Helps bring nutrients, oxygen and immune cells to damaged and stressed tissues.
3) Carries away metabolic waste, inflammatory by-products, and other toxic substances.
4) promotes overall detoxification
5) Strengthens the immune system
The possible negatives include:
1) Do not do this on an open wound
2) Do not do this if you have Raynaud's syndrome. Cold extremities disorder.
3) Do not do this if a rash or infection is present in the area.
If you have this or any thing suspicious, go to a doctor!!!
4) Do not do this if you have an irregular heart beat.
5) Some athletes have said it fatigues the central nervous system (CNS) and produces to much fatigue during the treament. If you are overtrained this is a distinct possibility.
If you slightly massage the area as the water hits it, you may also add to the positive affect.
Remember, this is just one of many things you should be doing to improve or enhance your recovery. As a side note, wear appropriate shower shoes if you are in a public shower area because of bacteria that is floating around. If you have a lot of team mates with colds, maybe you could wait until they are done. Being in close quarters can cause the passing of air born bacteria. If you have any other questions on this or other related topics, I can be contacted at
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