I was at the beach on the 4th of July, and don't typically do any work on that day. It was fortunate to be at Heather and Holly's place which is literally right on the beach. The Jen was there so it made things even more the special. I hope all the 21 to early 30 year olds are able to recover today. I am typing this article at a public library where a couple next to me are sniffling and have sun glasses on, but both have a great tan! They look tired. At least they are not at a kennel looking for their lost pet. The 5th of July is notorious for that.
I originally going to quote Charles Poliquin today, but saw this great quote by a reader named Brandon Green. If you go to t-nation.com you will see a Christian Thibaudeau (CT) article on the deadlift. Scroll down and you will see an interesting discussion about the article. The comment by CT about the Russians success with developing heavier lifters versus other countries hits home with some of my articles. The countries that dominate the lower weight categories and the neural efficiency training is typically not well understood in the U.S. The use of the tape measure, and stop watch are probably two of the better examples of neural training. Please read this article and think about the comments.
The deadlift can be used, but I believe to many athletes training for other sports go to heavy in this lift. It is brutal on the (central nervous system) CNS, and is not the best for speed development. Obviously strength is important but there are other exercise that can be more helpful in developing the lower back. I have been experimenting with different versions of the reverse hyper and will discuss this at a later date in detail. I will say that the position of the lower back versus the end of the pad can dictate a slight difference in which muscles are effected. Also there can be no movement between the hip and the knee, which places more emphasis on the hamstrings and completely eliminates the lower back. A one legged version of this is amazing. Anyway, enough Dave, that is for a future article. If you take a weight that is 20 to 60 pounds more than you can Power Clean, and do fast deadlifts, it would probably be more beneficial for your speed development, than a 1 rep max. The deadlift can also be tough on maintaining good technique. High pulls would also be helpful with 15-30 pounds above your max power clean.
Nevertheless follow the commentary, it is very insightful. Any questions I can be contacted at acudave@yahoo.com
Thanks again Jen, and I hope chili is OK.
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