Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I've had the opportunity to see a lot of strength programs up close. The majority of programs have very few changes. The coach should realize that progress is dampened when the workout becomes drudgery. I am constantly making little changes so that athletes won't get stale. So what do I mean by stale?
This could include not just mental, physical, but neurologically. The body adapts to changes very quickly. If this did not occur, the human race would have never survived this long. Mental can be changed quickly. I remember attempting a 495 deadlift, but the song on the radio in the gym sucked. One of my training partners thought I was a bit out there. He was a multiple world record holder in the deadlift (843 weighing 275!). I waited until the next song and made the lift easily. I think it was AC/DC. This was circa 1986. So the mind can be fixed, sometimes quickly.
The muscles need 48-72 hours to fully recover. At this time I am training Monday (legs and back), Wednesday (Bench Heavy), Friday (Legs heavy), and Sunday (Speed Bench Press). I am experimenting with new routines that I will be using in the summer and beyond. I have a few friends and guinea pigs that are following some similar routines. A lot of the success is based on proper rest.
Neurological recovery is the toughest of all. The central nervous system (CNS) takes much longer to recover. Sleep, stress, training, life in general all influence these results. I have spoken about some forms of post-workout recovery, but if you aren't taking care of yourself, you won't move forward. The coach needs to also recognize this. This week many public schools in the area are in the midst of finals. You need to take the gas off of the pedal.
As a side note, when doing new exercises, adaptation to these exercise takes time, neurologically speaking. One new exercise I'm referring to is the split lunge static hold. If took me four weeks, but I was able to up my time to over three minutes. I am close to the five minute mark when weight will be added. I also reached the five minute mark in the push up between to boxes static hold and am presently adding weight on my back. This is also the case with four other people I am presently working with. Neurologically adaptation is taking place so the goal or weight has to vary. That is the responsibility of the coach.
Remember coaches, change your training template every 2 to 4 weeks, and your athletes will respond. Hey, if you aren't under the bar how can you relate with your athletes! Lead by example! We all get into a rut, but graves are forever! You will not know this if you are not working out!
For questions on this article I can be reached at acudave@yahoo.com