Tuesday, July 19, 2005


There is an excellent article at t-nation.com about the 2005 NSCA meeting in Las Vegas. The author Chris Shugart is an excellent writer and coach. Here is a synopsis on the portion he wrote about creatine. NSCA stands for National Strength Coaches Association.
*Creatine results are not just water weight. Creatine can improve muscular endurance and can help enhance performance (anaerobic power)
*Creatine doesn't cause cramps, as some once believed. It will not harm the kidneys, even at large dosages for extended periods of time.
*Creatine can actually help you perform better in the heat due to its hyperhydration effects.
*Creatine is safe for kids. They eat meat and fish after all, which naturally contain creatine. Studies have been done on infants (4-8 grams per day) with inborn error of Creatine metabolism. There were no adverse effects.
*Athletes with a lot of fast twitch fibers of type II respond better to creatine than others.
To read the rest of this article please go to the website. He also summarizes an interesting speech he attended by the strength coach for the Air Force. I use chains in the Olympic lifts. You will know what I'm talking about when you read it. Thanks acudave@yahoo.com